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We offer customised learning journeys or short impactful learning interventions to meet your unique business outcomes. Utilize our learning menu offering to identify the best fit for your business, whether it's part of a fully new customised learning journey or filling in missing capstone components within an established learning journey. 

Futuristic robot artificial intelligence enlightening AI technology development and machine learning


SBI defines the Consultation process as “Discovery”. During this phase we work closely with you to explore and create solutions. It acts as a catalyst to find the right answers for your unique situation.   

Allow us to assist you in uncovering the opportunities and challenges within your business through a diverse array of methods, including conversations, assessments, and learning interventions. We are also available to consult on current established learning journeys to determine any gaps and recommend further actions.  

Business people having meeting

Academic Content

Being a part of the NetEd group and functioning within the Da Vinci Institute of Technology, we are uniquely positioned to offer accredited content in the form of full programs, non-accredited content, and customized content. We have the capability to incorporate your in-house content into academic modules, tailoring the learning experience to align specifically with your business needs. We can offer full programs, stand-alone modules or micro- modules as an academic base for your learning journey.

Robotic Bionic Science

Experiential Learning

We employ diverse methods of experiential learning to evaluate, stimulate, and solidify the practical application of academic content. We can collaborate with you on existing academic content, our modules or test the practical application of in-house content.  

A person cleaning the hoof of a horse

Immersive Learning Experiences

Our goal is to craft immersive learning experiences that forge new mental pathways in the brain. These experiences not only solidify knowledge but also generate personal "Ah-ha" moments, leading to transformative shifts in behavior and thinking.  

Incorporating immersive learning experiences throughout a learning journey can serve as a capstone, testing the retention and application of content.


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We've forged partnerships with top industry experts worldwide. Our faculty is ready to collaborate closely with your business, providing guidance, education, and support to facilitate the implementation of change. 

A digital depiction of a blue eye, appearing futuristic and technologically enhanced, with intricate patterns and a striking

Short Courses

Stellenbosch Business Institute short courses are impactful, immersive and deeply rooted in Neuroscience to create SHIFT and IMPACT for your team. These courses are available to be implemented at your business immediately or could be a basis for co-create to create a customised short learning program for your team. 

DaVinci Business School Logo

Are you looking for accredited qualifications from certificates up to doctoral level, as an individual? Visit DaVinci Business School for more information

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