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Middle Management Leadership Programme

The Shifting Sands of Change


Develop the fundamental skills required to master mid-level management, achieve personal growth, and drive organisational success. This programme provides leaders with practical tools and strategies to excel in their roles and create lasting impact.


Benefits of Attending This Programme:​

  • A marked improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of mid-level managers. 

  • Managers would gain essential skills and knowledge to enhance their personal development and leadership capabilities. 

  • The transformation would lead to better team management, improved decision-making, and increased alignment with organisational goals.

  • This would ultimately drive higher overall performance and success for both individuals and the organisation.











​​​​​​Core Modules

This programme includes one-on-one coaching and learning LABS throughout the duration:​

  • Strategic Thinking

  • Systems Thinking

  • Design Thinking

  • Self-lead your Brain: Neuroscience for Leadership and Learning 

  • Leading in Context: Navigating the Shifting Sands of Change and Decision Making

  • Discover Your “X-Factor” as a Leader

  • Develop Your “Next Management” Toolbox

  • A Day in the Life of Business

  • Courageous Conversations

  • Compassion and Sensitivity

  • Manager as Coach


Elective Modules

The following electives clusters can be added over and above the programme modules:

  • Persuasive Communication

Business Writing and Communication

Presentation Skills

  • Boundaryless Leadership

Leading Innovation and Change

Leading Virtual and Remote Teams

Building Collaborative Relationships

  • Developing Your Business Acumen Toolbox

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Project Management

Customer Centricity

Middle Management Leadership Programme (SLP).png

​Programme Start Date:

July 2025 

Duration of MMLP:

The core learning experience spans 5 months, offering a flexible and practical schedule designed for busy managers to participate fully without disrupting their professional responsibilities. 

This programme features:

  • Learning LABS and Coaching, to lead with measurable SHIFT and Impact 

Who should attend:

High-potential, mid-level managers with at least five years management experience



  • Core Modules: R 69 445.00 

  • Electives: From R 5 197.50

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